Tuesday, January 21, 2025

$6m for homelessness prevention projects

The Government has announced 10 new recipients of the Local Innovation and Partnership Fund (LIPF).

Associate Minister of Housing (Homelessness), Marama Davidson confirmed close to $6 million had been allocated to the initiatives as part of the Aotearoa New Zealand Homelessness Action Plan.

“Supporting local leadership is essential for helping prevent and respond to homelessness in the community. Our local leaders have the knowledge and connections to bring about effective change that best meets the needs of their people and regions,” said Ms Davidson.

“These 10 initiatives will have a strong focus on Māori, Pasefika and rangatahi as part of this Government’s commitment to supporting communities that are more likely to experience discrimination and isolation.”

She said the standard of all applicants was extremely high.

“I would like to mihi to all 38 applicants who submitted proposals for this important work.”

“I am also pleased to announce that round three of the Fund will open in the coming months and I encourage potential applicants to start considering projects for submission.”

The $16.6 million Local Innovation and Partnership Fund was set up in 2020 and is one of 18 actions set out in the Aotearoa/ New Zealand Homelessness Action Plan to support local initiatives that respond and prevent homelessness. 

Visit link to read full list of funding recipients.

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