Sunday, February 16, 2025

Akaroa bach owners urged to join possum programme

Pest Free Banks Peninsula (PFBP) has called on Akaroa residents and bach owners to help with its target of removing possums from the area.

Over the past almost-two years, PFBP has been systematically working its way across the Peninsula, removing pests such as possums, mustelids, feral cats, goats and pigs.

Working alongside communities and landowners, PFBP has removed thousands of pests and in doing so, helped support the rejuvenation and regeneration of indigenous animals and plants, it says.

“The success of our elimination programme in the areas surrounding the township means we’re in a really good position to flush out any remaining possums in Akaroa,” said Project Leader, Sarah Wilson.

“Having enjoyed so much support from Peninsula communities, we hope Akaroa residents will join forces with us and help us achieve our goal of a pest-free Peninsula.”    

The PFBP team is trying to contact as many property owners as possible to help establish a network of bait stations across the township. They say it’s a difficult task given so many property owners don’t live permanently in the township.   

“Akaroa is renowned for its natural environment, it’s one of the key reasons people have holiday homes there. Bach owners are a vital link in our network, and we need as many of them as possible to get in touch and tell us they’re willing to be part of the possum knockdown,” said Ms Wilson.

“The more properties we have in our network, the harder it will become for possums to navigate their way around town. Our team has the technical expertise to knockdown possums, now we need community support to make it happen.”  

Christchurch City Council Mayor, Phil Mauger is throwing his support behind the campaign and already has a possum trap set on his property in Akaroa.

“Getting rid of possums from the Peninsula will bring environmental, recreational and economic benefits to the community, so I’m pleased to be helping out and would encourage all property owners to get in touch with Pest Free Banks Peninsula to set up a trap. I’m important we all play our part,” he said.

If you’re interested in hosting a bait station, email

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