Monday, February 10, 2025

Alert 2 extension for Wellington

Alert Level 2 measures for Wellington, Wairarapa and Kāpiti Coast to the north of Ōtaki have been extended by 48 hours to 11.59pm on Tuesday 29 June, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.

He said Alert Level 2 had been in place for four days to allow time for testing and contact tracing to occur.

“Progress has been good, and no community cases have been found. Repeated wastewater testing has also not detected any COVID-19 in Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley,” Minister Hipkins said.     

“We don’t, however, have sufficient confidence yet to go back to Level 1. We need to see more negative results before we feel comfortable to make that call. At this stage, health advice is that two more days’ worth of results will provide a clearer picture for us to base a decision on.

“These are precautionary measures to ensure New Zealanders are not unnecessarily exposed to COVID-19. We will review the situation on Tuesday June 29.

“Also factoring in to our decision is confirmation from New South Wales health officials that the household close contact of the case that travelled to Wellington is also now positive, after initially testing negative.

“The person is not considered infectious while they were in Wellington.

“However, the positive result shows that Case A was able to transmit the virus to other people and that suggests Case A was in the early stages of infection at the end of their stay in New Zealand.

“So we’re now particularly focused on anyone who may have had contact with the person in the later part of their stay.”

Those locations are:

  • Countdown Cable Car lane – 6-7.15pm Sunday the 20th
  • One Red Dog Customhouse Quay – 7-9pm Sunday the 20th
  • Wellington Airport Food Court 8.30am to 9.55am Monday 21 June
  • Wellington Airport Men’s Toilets on level 1, north end of the terminal near the gift store – 9.15-9.30am Monday 21 June

“We are also asking all people who came through Wellington Airport between 8.30am to 10.30am on Monday 21 June to monitor symptoms and get a test if any symptoms develop,” said Mr Hipkins.

“Also, a repeat test is underway with results expected today of an indeterminate test result for COVID-19 yesterday, to determine whether the person is a case or not. The person returned a weak positive result, with a very high CT value.”

Resurgence Support Payment

The extension of level 2 triggers the Resurgence Support Payment. This is available to business or organisation is facing a reduction in revenue due to an alert level increase.

A business or organisation must have experienced at least a 30% drop in revenue or a 30% decline in capital-raising ability over a 7-day period, due to the increased COVID-19 alert level.

The payment is calculated as $1,500 per business plus $400 per FTE, up to 50 FTE.

The maximum payment is $21,500.

Sole traders can receive a payment of up to $1,900.

For further information go to  We will finalise the date that applications can open tomorrow.

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