Tuesday, February 11, 2025

APEC women’s economy forum prioritises action plan

Minister for Women, Jan Tinetti, has chaired the virtual APEC 2021 Women and the Economy Forum, addressing issues for women and girls across the region as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The forum saw Ministers and representatives from 21 economies brought together online to discuss gender equality and women’s economic empowerment across the APEC region.

“As COVID-19 continues to have a disproportionate impact on women and girls around the world, we must take the opportunity to discuss our collective goals for women and girls in the interests of our economies across the region,” Ms Tinetti said.

Ministers participating at the forum issued a statement which prioritises the implementation of the La Serena Roadmap (APEC’s action plan on women’s economic empowerment agreed in 2019), gender responsive policies for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring a sustainable and resilient recovery for women and girls.

“Some key issues we’ve identified include women’s representation in trade, changes to address gender pay gaps and occupational segregation, the disproportionate share of care work undertaken by women and girls, equal access to digital skill training and financial literacy and gender-based violence in all its forms,” Minister Tinetti said.

“New Zealand has long been at the forefront of fighting for gender equality and we are committed to further improving the lives of women and girls in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our focus includes developing a Women’s Employment Action Plan to support women to build back better after the pandemic, women in leadership, closing the gender pay gap, safety from family and sexual violence and improving outcomes for wāhine Maori.  

“The APEC Women and the Economy Forum allows us to share what New Zealand is doing for women’s economic empowerment as part our COVID-19 recovery plan, and learn from other economies about their plans.

“As Chair of this forum, I’d like to thank all of the economies represented for their commitment to ensuring women’s economic empowerment is part of the recovery from the pandemic,” she said.

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