With special votes now validated and counted, Wayne Brown was confirmed as Mayor of Tāmaki Makaurau at the weekend, winning the mayoral race with a total of 181,810 votes, more than 57,000 votes ahead of Efeso Collins.
“I hereby declare the results of the elections held on 8 October 2022,” Electoral Officer – Independent Election Services, Dale Ofsoske announced.
“This declaration comes into effect as of 16 October 2022. All members take on their position for Auckland Council’s Governing Body and local boards on the day after they are declared to be elected.”
The final numbers revealed no major changes in ward councillors. A total of seven new councillors out of 20 are joining the Governing Body and 36% of local board members elected are new to the council.
For the Waitākere Ranges Local Board, there is a variation to note between the final count and the official results declared. Ken Turner was leading in both the Waitākere Ward Councillor position and Waitākere Ranges Local Board. Mr Turner therefore has been declared as Waitākere Ward Councillor, alongside Shane Henderson, and withdrawn from the local board seat.
This makes Mark Allen, the next highest polling local board candidate, elected to the sixth seat on the board. Mr Allen received 5216 votes, polling in front of Angus Cathcart by 11 votes, who was leading in the preliminary round.
In the final count, a total of 405,149 votes were returned – or 35.5% of enrolled voters. In 2019’s election, the voter turnout was 35.3%.
For the full lists of results, visit voteauckland.co.nz/results2022.