One symptomatic household contact of the Auckland MIQ Omicron case has today tested positive for COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has announced.
The case was already isolating, the Ministry said.
“They will be formally included in tomorrow’s case numbers. Further case interviews are currently underway but, at this stage, there are no exposure events associated with this case. All other household members have returned negative tests to date,” it said.
As of this morning, a total of 86 contacts have been identified in relation to the MIQ border worker, including 7 household and 79 close contacts. At this stage, 75 have returned negative test results and one a positive result, as outlined above, the Ministry said.
From the exposure events linked to the initial case, there are 10 people from the two bus journeys who are yet to be tested and are being followed up in person.
“No other close contacts linked to this cluster have returned positive results.”
“The investigation into the transmission route continues and testing of staff from the Stamford Plaza facility continues today. Our objective is to stamp out and prevent any onward transmission.
“We’re reiterating our call for anyone who lives in Auckland with symptoms – no matter how mild – to get a test, even if you’re vaccinated and to please stay at home until you return a negative test result,” the Ministry said.