Sunday, February 9, 2025

Auckland Transport directors appointed

Auckland Council has appointed Raveen Jaduram and Henare Clarke to the board of Auckland Transport.

The Council says it sought candidates who would assist the board with experience from within the transport sector, experience in organisation transformation and culture change, strong commercial acumen and experience in implementing innovative technologies for the transport sector.

Councillor, Chris Fletcher QSO chaired the selection panel, representing the Council’s Performance and Appointments Committee.

“With the appointment of Raveen and Henare, Auckland Council is ensuring that our transport board has strong and relevant skills that will enable the organisation to improve our delivery for Aucklanders,” said Cr Fletcher.

“These appointments bring commercial nous, a customer-first ethos, with first hand understanding of the delivery and management of our transport assets.”

The Council thanked AT board directors, Abbie Reynolds and Darren Linton, for their service and commitment during their terms, as they prepare to step down from 1 June.

“We are grateful for the direction, advice and support Abbie and Darren have provided the board, the organisation, and the wider Auckland Council whānau, and wish them the very best for the future,” says Cr Fletcher.

Mr Jaduram has 38 years of experience in the water environment and infrastructure. He is a Fellow of Engineering New Zealand, Life Member of Water New Zealand and member of the Institute of Directors New Zealand.

He is currently on the boards of the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Hynds Limited and Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia.

He is a past director of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited, Wellington Water Limited, Water Services Association of Australia and The Committee for Auckland; and former President of Water New Zealand, Chair of the NZ water sector Senior Executives Forum and Chair of the Infrastructure Research Centre at the University of Auckland.

He has also held chief executive and senior roles in private and public sectors in Australia and in New Zealand. Most recently, he was Chief Executive of Watercare Services Limited. He led the corporatisation of Manukau Water Limited in 2006 and was its first and only chief executive. He led the integration of the eight water entities into Watercare as part of the amalgamation of Auckland councils in 2010.

Mr Clarke is an experienced general manager with more 40 years experience and roading construction, road and infrastructure maintenance, and rail infrastructure.

He has held senior roles in Higgins Contractors as General Manager, COO and Exec General Manager in KiwiRail, along with senior regional roles in Downer Construction. He has also held a board role on the Kaikoura Earthquake Rebuild.

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