Friday, January 24, 2025

Auditor-General to report on mental health and addiction services

An audit will be conducted into government mental health and addiction services, the Office of the Auditor-General has announced.  

The performance audit will focus on the effectiveness of government agencies in working together to understand and meet the mental health and addiction needs of people aged 12 to 24 years. 

It will involve talking to a range of government agencies in health, education, social services and policing, as well as service providers and young people about how well they feel the system is working. 

The OAG said young people are particularly at risk of experiencing poor mental health or well-being, and there is evidence that the problem is getting worse. 

“The mental health and addiction system for young people is complex,” the OAG said in a statement.  

“Young people who require treatment or support for mental health and addiction issues might access services from a range of places [including] GPs, schools, tertiary education institutions, non-government organisations, iwi, employment services, specialist mental health and addiction services, and services accessed through the justice and care and protection systems. 

“It is important that all parts of the system work well together so young people can access timely and appropriate mental health and addiction services.” 

The OAG says the work will aim to provide examples of both good practice and areas of improvement. 

It is expected to complete the review mid-2023. 

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