Thursday, September 12, 2024

‘Best job in the world’ says new ChristchurchNZ boss

New ChristchurchNZ Chief Executive, Ali Adams, has worked on four continents, ranging from volunteering in an orphanage in Zimbabwe to leading New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s European division but says her latest role is “the best job in the world”.

In an interview with Christchurch City Council’s communications team, Ms Adams (pictured) said it was important for her to work for an organisation that had a purpose and cause that she cared about.

“NZTE was that on a national level, as I got to represent the country of my choice in the region I was born,” she said.

“ChristchurchNZ is that on a city level: I get to represent the city of my choice within New Zealand. I also love the leadership challenge of the CEO role — at NZTE I had a team of over 40 in seven different countries, managing a very diverse group of experts. That is obviously very similar to my new role at ChristchurchNZ. I am so impressed with the quality and passion of the team here, and really looking forward to working with them.”

The English-born executive said having the chance to grow the city she calls home was part of what drew her to the role.

“This really is the best role in the world. What a gift to be able to have that kaitiakitanga, that responsibility for the city you have chosen as your home.”

“I love so much about the Māori language and culture and that word kaitiakitanga is so meaningful to me. It cannot be replicated in English and it’s such a beautiful concept. This is on behalf of the region’s original inhabitants and those amazing settlers who came here all those years ago, and on behalf of my children and the children who will live here in the future.

“I love the fact that I have responsibility to help grow this amazing place. It’s a wonderful remit. And to me, that is exactly why this job is so motivating. It is a joy and an amazing privilege.”

As a former Canterbury Cricket board member, Ms Adams said she was also looking forward to the upcoming Women’s Cricket World Cup being held in Christchurch.

“I’m excited to see the Kerr sisters from Wellington, Melie and Jess. I’ve watched a lot of the Super Smash and those two women have really stood out to me — they’re quite spectacular.”

“I’m thrilled to see how much coverage women’s cricket is getting and the bigger crowds. I’m seeing young girls with replica shirts and it really feels like a big shift for women’s sport.”

Click to read Council’s full interview.

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