Thursday, January 23, 2025

Buller to consider Waimangaroa water solution

Buller District Council will this week consider a status report for the Waimangaroa Water Supply and the Conns Creek Upgrade project.

Waimangaroa currently has an untreated water supply sourced from Conns Creek.

Council says it is under a permanent Boil Water Notice due to public health risk, and is also vulnerable to loss of supply, poor water quality and maintenance hazards.

“There are currently 140 connections serving a population of approximately 250 residents. The existing system does not meet the criteria for a safe, reliable, and adequate water supply,” Council said in a statement.

Council previously resolved to proceed with the Conns Creek Upgrade. A Conforming Option has been developed as a full upgrade of the scheme to achieve optimum compliance, performance, and lowest overall risk.

“A range of alternatives for the Conns Creek Upgrade have also been identified, targeting lower capital costs and more affordable rates. However, the alternatives do not meet the same project objectives or risk profile as the Conforming Option,” Council said.

“The strategic implications of the Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform programme will also be evaluated, since it would apply to all council drinking water supplies including Waimangaroa. The Government support package and funding allocations associated with proposed reform, as well as risks and opportunities for Buller are currently being assessed by council.”

The report seeks endorsement to proceed with a new community consultation process to obtain feedback on the proposed Conforming Option and the alternatives for the Conns Creek Upgrade, noting the significant developments since the last formal engagement with ratepayers.

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