Monday, January 13, 2025

CCTV focus of Napier long term plan

A new CCTV network and City Ambassador service for Napier is a step closer after Council approved its design and funding on Friday.

Council said community safety was a key issue in its annual Long Term Plan (LTP) consultation, where strong support was received for the introduction of a City Ambassador programme.

Napier City Mayor, Kirsten Wise said it was clear from the LTP submissions – in which more than 75% of submitters backed proposals for the combined CCTV and Ambassador programmes – that Council had the support to press ahead with plans.

“This can also be seen as a response to the feedback to Council through our 2021 Community Safety survey,” she said.  

“The CCTV network is due for an overhaul, and once it is in place, it will enhance the patrols by helping to direct them to the people who may need help. We can’t have one service without the other.”  

The two services are part of a broader programme of work Council is undertaking with key partners, including NZ Police, community organisations, and businesses to increase safety and the perception of safety in public areas.

“The service is being designed to meet our specific community’s needs, coupled with best practice and advice from other cities, including Hamilton and Hastings, who have been providing a successful Ambassador approach for a number of years,” said Mayor Wise.

The service is expected to cost $1.39 million per year and the aim is for the Ambassadors and camera network to be operating from 1 July, 2022.

“We will continue to build our network based on demand.”

“Businesses should be able to operate and people should be able to enjoy Napier’s shopping areas and neighbourhoods. We know that people have been concerned about anti-social behaviour occurring in these areas, and this is one way we can respond.

“We want our city to be vibrant and inviting and we need this more than ever as COVID-19 continues to affect our local business community,” Mayor Wise said.

For more information about Napier Council’s community safety work, go to: Keeping People Safe in Napier.

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