Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cemetery extension comes to life

Works to extend the Kororāreka Russell urupa got underway in December, with the project set to create around 2,200 square metres of new cemetery space.

Far North District Council says the project is expected to be completed by June. Land for the cemetery extension was gifted to Council by a local resident.

“Work started on Monday 11 December shortly after a site blessing. Initial works included creating an accessway to a parcel of land adjacent to the back boundary of the existing cemetery. Clearing vegetation and adding mulch to protect the area followed,” the Council said in a statement.

“Now that the contours of the cleared land are known, a design process can begin to determine the exact layout of cemetery elements, as well as where topsoil and grass seed will be laid.”

Future developments are expected to include construction of a memorial wall, creation of grass berm strips, and installation of pou to honour the kōiwi (human bones) found at nearby Oneroa Bay, also known as Long Beach, in 2020.

“The kōiwi were reburied at the existing cemetery. Improvements to the entrance will complete the project,” Council said.


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