Friday, September 20, 2024

Christchurch council expands executive leadership team

Christchurch City Council has announced a number of new appointments to its Executive Leadership Team.

Interim Chief Executive, Mary Richardson (pictured) said the new members will increase Council’s leadership group structure from four to five groups.

“This will spread the workload across a larger ELT group, with a wider skillset and range of functions and will help ensure that ELT members are more visible and accessible to staff,” says Ms Richardson.

“Bede Carran will be our new General Manager of Finance, Risk and Performance/CFO.  As a former Chief Executive of the Timaru and Waimate District Councils and Group Manager Corporate Services Southland District Council, he brings a wealth of experience as a local government leader.”

Mr Carran has also worked as a Chartered Accountant in the public and private sectors and has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. 

“We are very fortunate to have someone of Bede’s calibre join our Team,” Ms Richardson says.

Interim General Manager Instructure, Planning and Regulatory Services, Jane Parfitt has agreed to stay on until the new Chief Executive is in place. Her new title will be General Manager City Infrastructure.

Jane Parfitt.

“I’m delighted that Jane will stay on through the transition period.  She has worked in local government for over 30 years, including 12 years at Christchurch City Council where she headed up the city environment area, before taking on role of Acting Chief Executive,” says Ms Richardson.

Mrs Parfitt also held senior role in Waimakariri District Council, Southland District Council, Invercargill City Council and Kaikoura District Council as well as the Health and Community sectors.

John Higgins, who is currently the Head of Planning and Consents, has been appointed to the new role of General Manager Strategy, Planning and Regulatory Services.

“John has worked at the Council for over 20 years, and I’m delighted that he will be joining the ELT,” says Ms Richardson.

As a qualified urban and regional planner, Mr Higgins has a strong track record of leading various planning and consenting functions. 

“He is well respected by staff and elected members,” she says.

Andrew Rutledge will continue in the role of General Manager Citizens and Community through the transition period. 

“Andrew has a long career in parks, recreation and events nationally and internationally within the local government and commercial environments” says Ms Richardson. 

“He has led the Parks Unit at the Council for the last 10 years. 

“Andrew has a strong focus working in partnership with the community and I have every confidence that he will bring passion and experience to the leadership team.”

Lynn McClelland, who is currently the Assistant Chief Executive Strategic Policy and Performance, has been confirmed as General Manager Corporate Services. She joined the Council three years ago following a range of executive positions in the tertiary education, not-for-profit, financial services, and energy sectors.

“These appointments bring a team of experienced people together, all with a commitment to serving the people of Christchurch and Banks Peninsula,” says Ms Richardson.

She says it will provide stability and certainty while the new Chief Executive is appointed and transitions into the Council. 

“Most staff will not be directly affected by these decisions and there is no job loss resulting from the decisions,” says Ms Richardson.

“I wanted to minimise the impact on the leaders and staff in our organisation who have made a significant commitment to the Council over a number of years, and on whose goodwill and commitment we rely.”

This new Executive Leadership Team structure will include:

  • Interim Chief Executive – Mary Richardson
  • General Manager Finance, Risk and Performance/CFO – Bede Carran
  • General Manager City Infrastructure – Jane Parfitt
  • General Manager Corporate Service – Lynn McClelland
  • General Manager Strategy, Planning and Regulatory Services – John Higgins
  • General Manager Citizens and Community – Andrew Rutledge

As well as the Interim Chief Executive and the General Managers, the Executive Leadership Team will include:

  • General Counsel (Head of Legal and Democracy Services)
  • Chief People Officer (Head of People and Capability)
  • Te Aporei Whakawhanaunga a Tiriti.

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