Monday, February 10, 2025

Christchurch hosts international mental health conference

More than 300 mental health and disability leaders will converge on Christchurch tomorrow for a two-day conference to share examples of innovation, best practice, insights, and ideas to overcome challenges and improve mental health and disability services.

Hosted by the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) and the International Initiative for Disability Leadership (IIDL), the conference is a two-day intensive knowledge and leadership exchange programme with participants predominantly from Australasia and the Pacific.

“As New Zealand is a founding member of the IIMHL, we are delighted to welcome mental health and disability leaders to Christchurch for what is sure to be two busy days of sharing innovations, networking, and problem-solving across countries and agencies,” said Deputy Chief Executive of Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health, Robyn Shearer, who is also one of the MCs for the event.

“One of the real benefits about this event is that along with clinical, executive, and research leaders, we also have people with lived experience, carers, and community workers attending, ensuring that all leaders across the sector are able to participate and share their expertise,” said Ms Shearer.

The theme for the event is ‘Valuing Inclusion, Resilience and Growth – Kaingākautia te Whakawhāiti Tāngata, te Ngākau Manawaroa, te Puāwaitanga o te Tangata’, which Ms Shearer says makes Christchurch uniquely suited to be the host city.

There will be a range of local and international speakers at the closed-door forum, including Minister for Health, Andrew Little, and Minister for Disability Issues, Poto Williams.

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