Saturday, February 15, 2025

Christchurch to reconsider local transport works programme

Christchurch City Council says the future of a programme of local transport improvement works will be reconsidered in light of a reduction in funding.

In September, 11 projects worth about $26 million were approved by Christchurch City Council to apply for 90% funding from the Government’s Climate Change Emergency Fund Transport Choices programme.

The Transport Choices programme aims to aid the transition towards a low emission and climate resilient future by funding projects that make it easier to travel in ways that are good for the environment.

Local plans were out for public feedback throughout June and July with more than 1,000 submissions and comments responses received.

“However, Waka Kotahi has since advised the pool has been reduced by $50 million and Councils should look for a 10% cut to their programmes,” Council said in a statement.

“It is also now awaiting direction from the incoming Government so no further funding agreements will go ahead with Councils until this is in place.”

To meet the required reduction, Councillors will consider a report at their 15 November meeting which recommends progressing eight of the projects when Transport Choices funding becomes available.

These include:

  • Linwood Village streetscape enhancements
  • Te Aratai College cycle connection
  • Richmond neighbourhood greenway
  • Linwood and Woolston roading and transport improvements
  • Slow speed neighbourhoods Linwood
  • School safety Linwood
  • Improving Bromley’s roads
  • Little River cycle connections – Aidanfield and Ngā Puna Wai

Read the full report here.

“As Waka Kotahi must prepare funding agreements for Ministers to sign across the country, they have emphasised that delays in confirming changes to the programme may put this funding at risk. To reduce the chance of further reductions, it is important that staff are given clear direction from the Council,” the report states.

“Staff have recommended ways in which the reduction could be achieved which focuses on scope reduction to maintain the 90% external funding/10% local share.”

Council says an update on the impact this will have on its capital programme will be reported to the Finance and Performance Committee in December.

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