Tuesday, January 21, 2025

City finds new angle for small vehicle parking

A trial of the white triangle road marking in Wellington has begun, providing parking spaces for smaller vehicles and motorbikes in residential streets.

The first white triangle road markings have been introduced on Holloway Road in Aro Valley and Hadfield Terrace in Kelburn.

Wellington City Council Transport Engineer Zackary Moodie says the trial follows feedback from residents in Kelburn that several small parking spaces on their street were restricting driveway access, however they didn’t want to lose the parking spaces completely.

“We had heard from residents about regular and larger-sized vehicles blocking driveways, but instead of painting the broken yellow lines in these small spaces and taking away parks all together, we wanted to reserve parking for smaller vehicles,” said Mr Moodie

After being inspired by other Councils around New Zealand, he and his team investigated how they could incorporate the white triangles in Wellington.

He says Auckland, Nelson and Christchurch all successfully have the white triangles on their roads.

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington student and scooter user Daisy Lutyens used the white triangle on Holloway Road to park her scooter.

“There was plenty of room to park my scooter and I reckon you could easily fit two scooters in there. I have lots of friends at Uni who own scooters, so this is going to be very handy for parking,” she says.

Council says if the trial goes well, more will be painted in different Wellington suburbs.

You can find out more and give feedback on the project’s webpage.

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