Monday, February 10, 2025

Consultation opens on new injured workers programme

The Government is seeking to better support injured workers and employers with consultation opening today on proposed changes to the Accredited Employers Programme (AEP).

“AEP plays an important role, enabling large employers to ‘stand in the shoes’ of ACC when dealing with workplace injury claims and rehabilitation in return for a reduction in their ACC levy,” said Minister for ACC, Carmel Sepuloni.

“At its best, AEP enables employers to provide a better experience for injured workers, and support them to recover fully from their injuries and return to good work. Over time however, it’s become clear that stronger measures are needed so that all employees have this experience.

“The consultation aims to help us strengthen the programme by ensuring employers are held to account and injured workers are better supported,” she said.

This package of four proposals aims to tighten the standards, monitoring of Accredited Employers, performance rating and improve worker experience.

“The proposals underline the need for us to get the settings right, and strike the right balance between the welfare of workers with the compliance burden and cost to employers,” the Minister said.

“Government are committed to taking steps to better support injured workers on their journeys to returning to work. We know that this programme does deliver positive outcomes, and that it currently delivers better return to work outcomes for employees – it’s important that we maintain this.

“The proposals have been co-designed with accredited employers, worker representatives and health and safety experts. I encourage everyone to have their say on this important programme,” Ms Sepuloni said.

Consultation closes on 6 November. Click here to have your say.

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