When funding cuts threatened to prevent the annual Gisborne school road patrol reward day, Police and community groups kicked into action.
Businesses and community organisations came to the party providing food and prizes for tamariki, as well as money to pay for the entry to the pools.
Police prevention teams worked hard to make it happen, especially Gisborne School Community officers Constables Dana Hooks, Craig Lister and Sam Cairns, along with local iwi Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and Te Runanga O Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa.
The annual event rewards students who have selflessly volunteered their time before and after school to help their classmates and the community cross the roads safely.
Acting Senior Sergeant Cath Jones says there was no way they wanted the tamariki to miss out on their special day at the pools.
“I was blown away with the support that came in from our community to ensure these children got their reward day – it certainly takes a village,” said A/Snr Sgt Jones.
As a result, the children were recently able to enjoy their day in the sun – none the wiser to the work that had gone on in the background to make it happen.