Monday, February 10, 2025

COVID cripples Horowhenua glass collection

Kerbside glass recycling collections in the Horowhenua have come to a temporary halt due to the impact of Omicron on the district’s sorting facility in Palmerston North.

Water and Waste Services Manager, Asli Crawford said while glass can be safely and hygienically stored, residents were encouraged to wash their glass recycling well and put it aside for when collections resume.

“Community recycling stations are available if needed and are located in Levin, Waitārere Beach, Shannon, Foxton, Foxton Beach, Opiki School and Tokomaru,” she said.

All other kerbside collections are continuing, including Council rubbish bags and recycling wheelie bin services.

“Glass recycling can’t go in your recycling wheelie bin, as it is sorted separately and can damage machinery and potentially hurt staff sorting the recycling. Recycling wheelie bins found to have glass in them will not be collected.”

“We apologise for any inconvenience this disruption causes,” Ms Crawford said.

 She said updates will be provided to the community via Council’s website and social media channels.”

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