Monday, January 27, 2025

Crown and Whakatōhea iwi settle three decades of negotiations

Treaty Negotiations Minister, Paul Goldsmith says three decades of negotiations between iwi and the Crown have been settled today as the Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Bill passes its third reading in Parliament.

“While no settlement can fully compensate for the Crown’s past injustices, this settlement will support the aspirations and prosperity of Whakatōhea for many generations to come,” said Mr Goldsmith.

It includes the reservation of 5,000 hectares of marine space for aquaculture, $100 million financial, cultural, and commercial redress, the transfer of 33 sites of cultural significance, bespoke natural resource and conservation arrangements, and relationship agreements with core Crown agencies.

“The historical grievances of Te Whakatōhea against the Crown include the unjustifiable invasion, occupation and raupatu of their tribal area, the use of scorched earth policies and the failure to act in good faith in its treatment and execution of their tipuna Mokomoko,” said the Minister. 

“The historical grievances caused the break-down of their tribal structures, their language and tikanga, it also caused the stigmatisation of the Mokomoko whānau and descendants. 

“This final step marks the beginning of a new era of the relationship with the Crown based on trust and co-operation.”

Whakatōhea is an iwi based in the Bay of Plenty and its six hapū include Ngāi Tamahaua, Ngāti Ira, Ngāti Ngahere, Ngāti Patumoana, Ngāti Ruatākenga and Te Ūpokorehe.

Whakatōhea descendants representing approximately 16,000 members came to Parliament to witness this momentous occasion.

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