Sunday, September 15, 2024

Darrow appointed to Auckland Transport

Auckland Council has appointed Mark Darrow (pictured) as a new director to the board of its council-controlled organisation, Auckland Transport.

This appointment will fill the need for a new chair of Auckland Transport’s Finance and Assurance Committee and ensure that this important skill-set is represented on the board.

Councillor Pippa Coom welcomed the new appointment, which was approved at the Appointments and Performance Review (APR) Committee meeting last month.

“The interview panel was unanimous in supporting Mark’s appointment from a strong field of candidates.  Mark impressed the interview panel with his hands-on understanding of the challenges facing Auckland Transport and the role of the board in leading climate action in addition to his specialist skills.

“I expect that Mark will make a very valuable contribution on the board,” said Cr Coom.

The APR Committee is responsible for all appointments to the boards of council-controlled organisations, in accordance with the council’s Appointment and Remuneration Policy for Board Members and the Local Government Act.

Mark is currently Chair of Armstrong’s, Leighs Construction, Invivo & Co, MTF Finance, The Lines Company and Stratford Farms.  He is also a director of Balle Bros Group where he Chairs the Finance and Audit Committee. He also sits on Inland Revenue’s Risk and Assurance Committee.

His previous Board roles have included Waka Kotahi (NZTA), Counties Manukau DHB, Primary ITO, Sime Darby NZ, Charlies Group, Trustees Executors, MTA and VTNZ and was seconded to the Eke Panuku Audit and Risk Committee during 2020-21. 

He is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors, a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and a Justice of the Peace of New Zealand.

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