Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Dunedin planning for 1,900 homes boost

New planning rules for Dunedin, which are set to deliver a welcome boost to housing development across the city, are now in force, Dunedin City Council said this week.

An appeal period closed last week for decisions on changes to the Dunedin City Second Generation District Plan (2GP), released by the Variation 2 Hearing Panel on 31 May.

The 2GP sets the rules for development in Dunedin, and the changes – together known as Variation 2 – include the introduction of 12 new medium density zones and a range of more flexible rules to encourage development.

Together they are expected to allow for about 1,900 new dwellings to be added across the city over the next 10 years.

Dunedin City Council City Development Manager, Anna Johnson says just one appeal was received by the close of the appeals period.

“The appeal relates to unscheduled significant heritage buildings in areas proposed for intensification, where Variation 2 adds new consent requirements for full demolition of pre-1940s buildings,” Dr Johnson said.

Now that the appeal period is closed, other changes introduced by Variation 2 and not affected by an appeal can be considered operative, she said.

This includes:

  • New rules allowing for intensification of housing (new medium density zones, reduced minimum site sizes and greater allowance for duplexes), where the site does not contain a pre-1940s building;
  • More flexibility for development, for example making it easier to average out site sizes in subdivisions;
  • Improved management of greenfield development sites to encourage good urban design and well-managed infrastructure;
  • Better provision for social housing and removing the restrictions on who can live in family flats.

Dr Johnson said Variation 2 changes affected by the appeal, and therefore not yet operative, will still have legal effect – meaning they apply alongside the older district plan rules – but will not replace the older rules until the appeal is resolved.

The introduction of new greenfields development zones will be the subject of a separate hearing beginning on 15 August.

The hearing is expected to run for three weeks, Council said in a statement.

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