Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education has developed Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna to support learners by strengthening Te Reo Matatini me Pāngarau across reo Māori education pathways, and has also released the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy.
“We are weaving te reo matatini and pāngarau throughout the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and literacy, communication and numeracy throughout Te Whāriki and the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum to deliver improved teaching and learning for ākonga,” the Ministry said in a statement.
“All our diverse ākonga will be supported to experience success in their learning from well-supported teachers and kaiako, in connection with whānau and the wider community including iwi and hapū. Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna and the Literacy & Communication and Maths strategies support this to be achieved.”
It said that for learning in and through te reo Māori, Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna upholds a holistic view of ākonga, supporting kaiako to focus on the unique needs of each student. The strategy celebrates the critical role of kaiako, both as learners and teachers, in maximising mokopuna success, and ensures that whānau, hapū and iwi can define what learning is important to them and how it is expressed in their marau ā-kura (localised curriculum).
“This is why it is so important that te reo matatini and pāngarau are explicitly woven throughout the curriculum,” the Ministry said.
“The Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy is for English language education pathways. It sets out to shape the early learning and schooling pathways to deliver equity and excellence. The strategy’s focus on building strong literacy, communication, mathematics, numeracy and statistics skills will provide a foundation for learning for Aotearoa New Zealand’s tamariki and rangatahi, so every ākonga reaches their potential, secure in their identities, languages, and cultures.”
The Ministry said teachers will be better supported to provide teaching and learning that fits each child so they can enjoy full and meaningful lives secure in their languages, cultures and identities in our rapidly changing world.
“We encourage you to engage and familiarise yourself with the strategy documents and content.”
“Progressing everything in the strategies will take time. Detailed plans are coming which will set out how the strategic actions indicated in the strategies will be progressed. Design and implementation of the actions is something Te Poutāhū | Curriculum Centre, will work together on with our wider education community.”