Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Entries open for PM’s Education Excellence Awards

It’s time to recognise the outstanding work early learning services, kōhanga reo, schools and kura do to support children and young people to succeed, Minister of Education Chris Hipkins said today. 

The 2021 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards are now open through until April 16. 

“The past year has reminded us how important teachers and kaiako are and how their work impacts the lives of all New Zealanders. These awards celebrate exceptional teaching practices that are making a difference not just to learners, but to their whānau and communities as well,” Mr Hipkins said.

“Teaching that changes us all starts with a story – if your team is achieving great things for learners, it’s time to share your story and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.”

There are four main award categories: Excellence in Engaging, Excellence in Leading, Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and Excellence in Wellbeing Education. The Prime Minister’s Supreme Award is given to the best overall entry from these four categories.

There is also an Education Focus Prize which this year will be awarded to an education service that can demonstrate excellence in environmental and sustainability education. The prize celebrates teaching and learning that empowers children and young people to develop critical thinking skills as they explore the impact that people have on the environment and encourages them to take action for a sustainable future. 

Finalists will be notified in June and the winners will be announced at an award ceremony dinner in September.

To enter or find out more about the awards, visit https://pmawards.education.govt.nz/.

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