Monday, February 17, 2025

Environment honour for Auckland Council

Auckland Council’s Environmental Services team has taken out the top honour for Environment and Sustainability at the 2021 New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards.

The national award, open to all organisations, celebrates the highest achievement in spatial information and technology, recognising projects that help to resolve any issue in an environmental context.

The Conservation Information System ‘Ruru’, was developed by Auckland Council to centralise and standardise conservation and environmental data for easier access and visibility across the organisation. Ruru was funded by the Natural Environment Targeted Rate through the Enabling Tools programme.

“This is amazing recognition for a system which has only been possible as result of the staff involved within the Bio Information team, Geospatial team in ICT in the development, build and administration of Ruru,” says General Manager Environmental Services, Rachel Kelleher.

The comprehensive spatial management system contains almost 80 datasets across a variety of disciplines including native species management and restoration, pest plant and animal control, tree pathogen (kauri dieback) mitigation, and community engagement.

“The in-built analysis and connectivity with external datasets that Ruru allows for, provides more context across the region and allows increased efficiencies in data collection and reporting making for better decision-making to meet desired environmental outcomes,” said Project lead, Amanda MacDonald-Creevey.

The centralised information also ensures Auckland Council’s high-level strategies such as the  Auckland Plan, Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy and Regional Pest Management Plan and programme level targets are being achieved and delivered effectively.

As an award winner in New Zealand, Auckland Council is automatically entered into the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards which will be held in May.

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