Thursday, September 12, 2024

Essential workers send fair pay message to Minister

On International Workers’ Day, Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety, Michael Wood, has taken delivery of more than 1,000 submissions supporting the introduction of Fair Pay Agreements for essential workers.

“At the heart of the Government’s economic recovery plan is people. When we invest in New Zealanders, we know they have greater opportunities to prosper, provide for their families, and contribute to our nation’s success,” Minister Wood said.

“It was a privilege to receive over a thousand submissions supporting the introduction of Fair Pay Agreements today on International Workers Day.

“Essential workers sent a clear message that they no longer want to see their pay and conditions set through a race to the bottom, and that they support fair, good faith bargaining with employers through Fair Pay Agreements.”

He said the government was following through on its commitment to introduce Fair Pay Agreements, which level the playing field by enabling employers and unions to negotiate a basic floor under the pay and conditions of workers in a sector.

Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety, Michael Wood.

“This will be critical in stopping the ‘race to the bottom’ we have seen in many sectors, which can see good employers undercut.”

He said the government was also supporting kiwis through its cost of living package, including raising minimum wages and implementing a range of changes to reduce costs on people who need it most.

“This includes the recent 25 cents a litre reduction in fuel excise, the introduction of half price public transport for three months, and increases to the Family Tax Credit.”

“COVID reminded us that some of our most essential workers like cleaners, drivers, and retail workers, are some of the most under-valued in the labour market. As we rebuild from COVID, it is the right time to tackle some of these long-term inequalities in our country,” said Minister Wood.

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