This Forum is for those who work in, or need to know about, the mission critical field of funding and rating.
As always, the Forum is an exciting blend of theoretical and practical presentations that mix the policy and practice of funding and rating.
This year is start of the LTP triennium and we focus on the art and science of rating reviews, with the key messages from the soon-to-be released Taituarā Guide to Rating Reviews. It’s not just a theoretical session though, we’ve matched this session with a couple of case studies out of the most recent round.
One of the key aspects of any rating review is a policy judgement on the existence of differentials, on whom and to what extent. As part of our recent update of the Rating Act Guide Taituarā has been looking at the sector’s use of differentials and the policy rationale, including a once over of the revenue and financing policies.
Last year the Valuer-General spoke of his concerns about the quality of rating valuations. This year he will focus on the changes he’s proposing to make to the rules, and the levers councils have to improve valuation quality. We will follow this with a case study from a local authority and how it worked with its provider to implement the last revaluation.
And, of course, there’s the annual updates on legal matters coupled with the usual information sharing sessions to discuss the real bread and butter issues that you face as funding and rating practitioners.
Note: Claiming CPD Credits
Delegates at this Forum who are members of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) may be able to claim credits towards meeting their Continuing Professional Development requirements. Delegates wishing to pursue this should provide CA ANZ with the forum’s outline and confirmation of their attendance (which we can supply).