Monday, February 10, 2025

First IAF housing deal signed for Porirua

The first funding deal for the Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) has been signed, enabling over 400 additional homes in Porirua, Housing Minister, Megan Woods has announced.

The $6.1m deal, signed between Kāinga Ora, Porirua City Council and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira (Ngāti Toa Rangatira), will see a planned housing development at Kenepuru Landing in Porirua almost double the number of homes built.

“This is what smart Government investment in housing looks like; unlocking development in strategic locations, partnering with iwi and councils, increasing the pace, scale and mix of housing in an area of great need, while providing local builders with a predictable pipeline of business as we recover from COVID-19. The deal is a fantastic example of the type of results the IAF was designed for.”

“The Government’s IAF funding will increase the number of homes from 443 to 880 and contribute to a crucial transport upgrade to the Titahi Bay Road / Kenepuru Interchange, as well as key three waters infrastructure.

 “This is a great start to the Fund, delivering an incredibly positive result for the people of Porirua, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Porirua City Council. The site is within walking distance of Porirua city centre, rapid transport stations, Kenepuru Hospital, schools and employment hubs,” says Dr Woods.

Ngāti Toa Rangatira view this development as critical to supporting and realising their Whare-Whenua (Housing) Strategy for their iwi, the Minister said. The Ngāti Toa Community Land Trust Model will be implemented with the aim of delivering one third to public housing, one third to the affordable housing sector, and one third to market housing.

The first houses the IAF will enable at Kenepuru Landing are expected to be delivered by 2025, with the whole development planned to be completed by 2030.

“Out of over 200 initial applications to the IAF, the proposal from Ngāti Toa Rangatira was selected to be fast-tracked, due to its very strong attributes and the advanced stage of the project. This is the first of many housing outcomes the IAF will enable.”

“This is a significant start to the Fund, with an incredibly positive outcome for the people of Porirua. With over 80 responses to Request for Proposals for the IAF due in at the end of this week. I look forward to more funding announcements to come in 2022,” Dr Woods said.

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