Sunday, February 16, 2025

Foreign Minister to attend Pacific Islands forum

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta will attend the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, in Suva, Fiji alongside New Zealand’s regional counterparts.

Minister Mahuta said the Forum is the core platform for Pacific countries to talanoa and build consensus on issues of shared interest and importance like climate change, regional security and working together to maintain strong regional unity.

“Aotearoa New Zealand is deeply committed to working with our pacific whanau to strengthen our cooperation, and share ways to combat the challenges facing the Blue Pacific Continent,” she said.

“This meeting will be an opportunity to connect and discuss — as Pacific partners, kanohi ki te kanohi — how the region can continue to work together in response to the many pressures affecting Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, and in ways that support Pacific priorities and enhance Pacific mana.”

The talks will include agreeing to an implementation plan for the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent — the Pacific region’s North Star, “guiding us as we work together and with our partners to secure the future of our region” the Minister said.

“Engagement that recognises, advances and reinforces Pacific leadership on regional security, and on climate ambition and climate resilience, is also critical to maintaining strong regional unity — and to supporting security and prosperity, both for the Pacific and here, in Aotearoa New Zealand,” she said.

The Minister departed New Zealand for the forum today. While in Fiji, she will also undertake bilateral meetings with Forum Foreign Ministers and visit Adi Cakobau School.

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