Far North iwi and hapū are being encouraged to apply for funding to develop environmental management plans for their rohe by the Far North District Council’s Te Hono (Māori Development & Māori Relationships) Team.
Applications open on Saturday 8 February for approximately seven weeks with a maximum grant of $10,000 available per successful applicant.
The plans, known as IHEMP (Iwi Hapū Environmental Management Plans), set out the environmental and resource management plan of tāngata whenua for an area. The plans can include goals, policies, methods, or any issues of concern or interest.
IHEMPs are holistic documents which may also contain information about:
- – specific cultural values
- – cultural monitoring frameworks
- – historical accounts
- – descriptions of areas of interest (hapū/iwi boundaries/rohe)
- – consultation and engagement protocols for resource consents and monitoring, plan changes, and matters of significance for tāngata whenua.
Hapū, iwi, other legal or tāngata whenua entities wishing to develop a new IHEMP or to review and update an existing one, can apply to this fund.
To be eligible, a completed IHEMP must include a climate adaptation planning component, as well as suitable expertise and support to be able to complete the plan within a 12-to-18-month period.
Funds for this financial year have been allocated for existing IHEMPs to be updated to incorporate a climate change adaptation component as a key area of focus.
Council have climate adaptation staff and resources to support, if required.
Applications open on Saturday 8 February and close on Tuesday 1 April 2025.
For an application form, email: tehonosupport@fndc.govt.nz.