Saturday, February 8, 2025

Funds committed to transform disability support system

The Government today confirmed $73.7 million over the next four years and a further $40.5m in years to continue to transform New Zealand’s disability support system.

Minister for Disability Issues Priyanca Radhakrishnan said the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) approach was a framework which guides positive change for disabled people, families, communities and governance structures.

“The funding allocated today was initially set aside as contingency funding prior to the establishment of Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People. I’m delighted it can now go towards making a real difference in the lives of thousands of disabled New Zealanders,” said Ms Radhakrishnan.

“This Government is continuing to transform the disability system, ensuring that disabled people, tāngata whaikaha Māori and their whānau all benefit from the EGL approach, which increases self-determination.”

The Minister said the funding will strengthen protections for disabled people, extend EGL to new regions, transform existing disability support services and build community capability and leadership opportunities for disabled people.

“Disabled people should be able to have more choice and control over the decisions they make for their own lives and be able to pursue their goals like everyone else,” she said.

“I am proud that our Government has made a record investment in disability communities – from the establishment of Whaikaha in 2022, to committing $863.6m through Budget 2023 to help ease cost pressures on disability support services, to ending the discriminatory Minimum Wage Exemption and so much more.

“While this funding will make a significant difference to many, I acknowledge there is still more to be done. The drawdown of this funding is another significant step towards a national rollout of the EGL approach and transformation of our disability system,” Ms Radhakrishnan said.

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