Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Futon Hogan wins new Hamilton contract

Hamilton City Council has awarded a major contract for the construction of its new Borman Road connection to Fulton Hogan.

The project, which is expected to take two years to complete, supports Council’s focus to provide a safe, well-connected transport network for Rototuna, said Development General Manager, Chris Allen.

“It’s about providing safe and accessible ways for the community to get around, no matter how they choose to travel,” said Mr Allen.

“That means having urban roads, safe paths for pedestrians, people on bikes and scooters, and safe places for people to cross the road.”

The project also supports Council’s Vision Zero goal – to have zero deaths and zero serious injuries on our roads – and the Biking and Micromobility Plan, which aims to make it more convenient for Hamiltonians to choose active modes of transport to get around the city.

The section of road will join the two existing parts of Borman Road, improving connectivity and making it safer for the community to move around – including to the new Rototuna Village, and those heading to and from from Rototuna Junior and Senior High schools.

Along with completing the new 600m stretch of road and shared paths that connect both sides of Rototuna, the $22 million project also includes:

  • upgrading the Borman Road and Horsham Downs Road intersection to a raised intersection with traffic lights;
  • completing urban road upgrades and installing shared paths on Horsham Downs Road (from the intersection to North Ridge Drive) and the existing Borman Road (from the intersection to Barrington Drive).

“This is in addition to the already completed upgrade of North Ridge Drive and the wetland, which was installed to manage stormwater for the quickly expanding development in the area,” said Mr Allen.

Now that the contract has been awarded, preparations have started to begin construction works in November.

“Construction of the on-road works along Horsham Downs Road and Borman Road will be staged to minimise disruption to residents and road users.”

“These works will involve significant traffic management and the occasional stop go; however, we don’t plan on closing any roads for this work. We will also be working with residents and local businesses to make sure access is maintained during construction,” said Mr Allen.

“The plan is to start on the existing section of Borman Road, before moving to Horsham Downs Road and the intersection.”

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