Friday, September 13, 2024

Govt delivers pay rise for midwives

A wage increase ratified yesterday will give more than 1,150 midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora a 15% pay boost, Minister of Health, Ayesha Verrall, has announced.

Graduate midwives in public hospitals will now start work on almost $73,000 per year before overtime and allowances, while experienced midwives will be on a base rate of almost $97,000 before overtime and allowances, the Minister said.

“The Chris Hipkins Government is committed to paying our front-line health workers fairly, with this agreement just the latest in the sector.”

“I’m delighted the hardworking and predominantly female midwives of Te Whatu Ora are another step closer to getting the pay they deserve.

“This agreement means the Government will have increased the wages of our largest group of midwives by about 45% since 2017. In addition they will receive a lump sum payment of at least $3,000,” she said.

The Minister said the health workforce plan announced this week showed the need to recruit and retain more midwives.

“And [this] announcement will go a long way towards achieving that,” she said.   

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