Saturday, February 8, 2025

Govt redress for Te Korowai o Wainuiārua

The Government says it is continuing the bipartisan effort to restore its relationship with iwi as the Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Claims Settlement Bill passed its first reading in Parliament today.

Treaty Negotiations Minister, Paul Goldsmith says historical grievances of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua relate to 19th century warfare, land purchased or taken for public works.

“This has led to Te Korowai o Wainuiārua becoming virtually landless,” said the Minister.

“Today, large parts of their rohe comprise the Tongariro and Whanganui National Parks, precious places in which the iwi of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua have long sought a meaningful kaitiaki role.

“This legislation will see Te Korowai o Wainuiārua receive financial and commercial redress of $21.7 million, as well as a cultural revitalisation fund of $6.850 million and 19 sites of traditional, historical and cultural significance.

“Redress contained in this Bill provides a foundation that will benefit the people of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua for generations to come. It will support them in their future endeavours and in realising their aspirations for their iwi.­

Treaty Negotiations Minister, Paul Goldsmith.

“This settlement is testament to the decades of hard work and negotiations between Te Korowai o Wainuiārua and the Crown, and signifies the beginning of a new relationship between both parties based on trust and co-operation,” Mr Goldsmith said.

Te Korowai o Wainuiārua comprises the descendants of three tūpuna – Tamahaki, Tamakana and Uenuku ki Manganui-o-te-Ao, nā Tukaihoro in central Whanganui. 

The area of interest covers approximately 613,000 hectares and includes large parts of the Whanganui and Tongariro National Parks, the central to upper Whanganui River area and the townships of National Park and Raetihi. 

The combined estimated population of these groups is 5,973 according to the 2018 census.

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