Monday, February 17, 2025

Hamilton Mayor deals council reshuffle

Hamilton Mayor, Paula Southgate, has proposed a reshuffle of Council roles, following the recent by-election.

Newly elected Councillor, Tim Macindoe, has been invited to step into the role as Deputy Chair of the Infrastructure and Transport Committee. He will replace Councillor Maxine van Oosten, who has voluntarily stepped aside to focus on her significant role as Chair of Finance and Monitoring, as she helps lead Council through its most challenging Long-Term Plan. 

“Councillor Macindoe is an experienced politician and will work well with Chair, Deputy Mayor Angela O’Leary, on local transport issues and the big infrastructure challenges we face as a city,” the Mayor said.

“I thank Councillor van Oosten for her contribution to this Committee to date and know she will maintain a strong interest in this portfolio.”

Mayor Southgate has also proposed the appointment of Councillor Geoff Taylor as Deputy Chair of the Strategic Growth and District Plan Committee.

“Councillor Taylor will be a strong advocate, alongside Chair Sarah Thomson, for the support we need for our fast growing city,” she said.

Deputy Mayor O’Leary has also been appointed to a newly created role of Creative Ambassador.

“This role will help promote Hamilton’s thriving cultural scene. Arts and cultural events put our city squarely on the map and bring significant economic benefit.”

“We have a lot of work to do in our fast-growing city, so it’s great to have a full team again,” said Mayor Southgate.

“I have high standards of my team and expect they will perform their duties with respect and professionalism. Together we will be working hard to deliver on Hamilton’s future.”

Proposals are expected to be endorsed at a Council meeting on Thursday.

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