Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hastings to get fix of Repair Café

A new event that provides tools and opportunities to protect the environment and support sustainability is set to open in Hastings next month.

Inspired by the Napier Repair Café, Hastings local, James Taylor (pictured) says he wanted to make a space where Hastings residents could come and fix broken or damaged belongings instead of throwing them out and buying more.

With funding support from Hastings District Council’s Waste Minimisation Fund, he’s now about to make it happen with free repair events to take place in Hastings in May.

“I’d love to foster a culture of repair in New Zealand, for this to be front of mind for people when something they own breaks,” said James.

He has lined up a series of different venues to be a part of a trial – with the goal of making the events permanent. The first will take place on Sunday, May 14, at the Hastings Central Library from 1pm to 4pm.

It isn’t just for those who need to get something fixed – but also for those who have skills and want to help do the fixing and teaching.

“We know not everyone has the skills to repair things, so we want to start educating people and actually make fixing achievable.”

His goal is to get people to start thinking about what they buy, and when purchasing something to take a moment and think – if this breaks, could I fix it?

James is on the lookout for volunteers too – from administrative support to bakers and fixer-uppers. If you’re keen to volunteer, email

More information can be found online at

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