Saturday, February 15, 2025

Hawke’s Bay buses back on the road

Popular GoBay bus routes and extensions will be reinstated on Monday 28 August, after being parked since Cyclone Gabrielle, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council announced today.

The well-used 12N and 12H services, Napier to Hastings return via EIT and Hawke’s Bay Hospital, will offer hourly services from 6.30am through to 5.30pm on Mondays to Fridays, and 8.00am to 6.00pm on Saturdays, Council confirmed in a statement.

The Havelock North extension on Run 11, Napier to Havelock North returning via Clive, will again be operating and travelling in both directions, as will the Bay View leg on Run 15, Napier to Bay View, via Ahuriri and Westshore. 

Council Policy and Regulation Group Manager, Katrina Brunton said she was pleased to see the return of the important routes.

“While the recent opening of the Redclyffe Bridge at Waiohiki has been instrumental in bringing back these services, we’ve also had to work through driver availability and ensure traffic flows would allow our schedule to run on time,” said Ms Brunton.

While the return of services on the routes is good news, she said driver availability remains an issue.

To manage driver flexibility, illness and leave entitlements as well as ensure the legally required 24-hour break per seven days for each driver, Sunday services will no longer be offered. The temporary Saturday Run 11 service will also be discontinued as Run 12 restarts. 

“We’re continuing to work on reinstating remaining services and reconnecting Hawke’s Bay to pre-cyclone levels. Our progress will continue to depend on GoBus being able to recruit and train new drivers,” said Ms Brunton.

The new timetable will be available at the end of the week on the GoBay website, and in buses and key locations.

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