Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Head of Mission trio announced

Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta today announced three New Zealand Head of Mission appointments.

They are:

  • Richard Prendergast as Ambassador to Brazil;
  • Felicity Roxburgh (pictured) as Consul-General to New Caledonia;
  • Barney Riley as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Mr Prendergast is a career diplomat, has held postings in the United States and Malaysia, and was Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) director of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Bamyan, Afghanistan.

“New Zealand and Brazil have worked closely together on a range of international issues including global trade, international security and climate change,” Minister Mahuta said.

Ms Roxburgh has held diplomatic postings in New York, Poland and Hong Kong, and brings experience from the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

“New Zealand enjoys warm, constructive relationships with New Caledonia, French Polynesia, and Wallis and Futuna, whichare anchored in our strong cultural, trade and personal ties. We work closely together on important regional issues such as climate change and security, including through the Pacific Islands Forum,” Ms Mahuta said.

Mr Riley is an experienced diplomat who has most recently served as a lead trade negotiator within MFAT. He has formerly served as New Zealand’s Ambassador to Cairo, as well as Deputy Head of Mission to Tehran and as a representative to the World Trade Organisation in Geneva.

“New Zealand maintains a long-standing relationship with Saudi Arabia, which is one of our most important economic partners in the Middle East region,” the Minister said.

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