Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Infrastructure concerns raised over Drury plans

Extensive issues have been raised by Franklin Local Board in its submissions to private plan changes related to land under development in the Drury area.

Local board views were sought on five private plan changes within Future Urban zoned land in Drury-Opāheke:

  • PC48 – Drury Central (Kiwi Property) seeks to rezone 95ha to Metropolitan Centre, Mixed Use and Open Space;
  • PC49 – Drury East (Fulton Hogan) seeks to rezone 184ha to Terrace Housing and Apartments, Mixed Housing Urban, Mixed Housing Suburban and Mixed Use;
  • PC50 – Waihoehoe (Oyster Capital) seeks to rezone 49ha to Terrace Housing and Apartment Building (all three relate to land east of Drury – Drury East Plan);
  • PC51 – Drury 2 Precinct (Karaka & Drury) seeks to rezone 24 ha to Terrace Housing and Apartment Building and Mixed Housing Urban;
  • PC61 – Waipupuke (Lomai Properties) seeks to rezone 56 ha to Neighbourhood Centre, Terrace Housing and Apartment Building and Mixed Housing Urban (both relate to land west of Drury – Drury West Plan).

Board chair, Andy Baker says decision-makers must consider boards’ views on the plan changes.

He says while the board recognised most submissions partly or fully supported the changes, it had several issues, especially around the funding and timing of infrastructure upgrades that will be needed.

It resolved to provide feedback that included those issues, and concern over the lack of involvement with mana whenua.

“We believe support of growth in the area has been based on the potential for high-value employment and community activity that complements existing centres,” Mr Baker says.

While the chance to create something innovative through large-scale greenfield developments should not be wasted, their impacts on existing centres such as Pukekohe and Papakura should be considered so they were not negatively affected, he said.

The board also noted there was no general support for PC61.

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