Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kaipara floats wharf upgrade works

Work on Kaipara’s new wharf gangway is progressing, with crews completing the third and final underwater pile last week.

With the handrail work now complete, the Huband crew have been working at the end of the wharf recently, preparing the connection for the new gangway, and replacing a number of the pile caps and stringers, Kaipara District Council said in a statement.

The installation of the third and final pile concludes the heavy machinery work for the first part of the wharf upgrade.

The structural steel required for the gangway connection is currently being fabricated by Greg Smith Engineering of Dargaville, with the team planning to start the installation of this in a week or so, Council said.

The wharf remains closed during construction, with the boat ramp open for launching.

Council’s upgrade of the wharf includes a new gangway and pontoon and is part of Kaipara KickStart, supported by PGF funding from Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit. 

An artist’s impression of the finished wharf and gangway.

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