Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Korean UN deployment boosted to 12

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) will deploy three additional personnel to the Republic of Korea, increasing the size of its contribution to the United Nations Command and its Military Armistice Commission from nine to 12 personnel.

“Increasing the size of our deployment to the Republic of Korea reflects the importance that New Zealand places on collective security efforts that support peace and stability and the international rules-based system in the Indo-Pacific region, and on the Korean Peninsula in particular,” said Foreign Minister, Nanaia Mahuta.

The three additional personnel will take on new roles in the United Nations Command Headquarters. They will work alongside a broad range of contributing nations including the Republic of Korea, the United States, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Thailand and Colombia.

“This decision reflects our strong commitment to the United Nations, the Republic of Korea and supporting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula – and in the Indo-Pacific more widely,” said Defence Minister, Peeni Henare.

Minister Henare also commented on the value of this deployment to the NZDF.

“This deployment is an excellent opportunity for our Defence Force personnel to develop their skills, leadership and experience in a multinational environment, building our future leaders”.

The mandate for New Zealand’s longstanding deployment to the Republic of Korea has been extended to August 2023. The NZDF has contributed the United Nations Command and its Military Armistice Commission since 1998.

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