Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Law enforcement agencies run better on the Content Cloud

With the exponential growth of data supporting law enforcement and prosecution processes, technology plays an increasingly significant role as a key enabler for effective mission outcomes.

With the increased reliance on digital evidence, including mobility solutions, wearable, geo-spatial and cloud technologies, law enforcement agencies have access to unprecedented new capabilities, but are also facing new challenges in managing, securing and analysing vast volumes of new data types.

In the digital age, law enforcement agencies require new technology platforms that allow them to connect across agency boundaries securely, manage exponential growth and complexity of law enforcement information, and gain new insights from their data.

The following digital trends are particular to this mission area:

Inherently mobile operations

With officers, investigators and attorneys constantly working from the field to support investigations and prosecution, mobile collaboration is critical. Whether it’s a police officer collecting evidence at a crime scene, or a prosecuting attorney in constant communication with the court system and defending counsel, law enforcement personnel must be able to capture securely and access all types of content files from any device anywhere and at any time.

Secure, scalable inter-domain collaboration

In law enforcement, working across agency and domain jurisdictions is an everyday challenge. Secure communication between officers, investigators, attorneys, court systems and local, state, and national government agencies requires seamless, real-time collaboration, maintenance of chain of custody, security, and privacy of data.

Real-time engagement

Officers and other case stakeholders must be able to access maps, blueprints, prior case files, photo arrays and evidence in real time, without requiring IT approvals and intervention every time.

How technology is making law enforcement more transparent

Even as the scope and complexity of crime evolves worldwide, citizens today demand more transparency from law enforcement agencies. In the US, the law enforcement community faces numerous challenges. Many of the traditional approaches and technologies currently in place around preventing, investigating, and prosecuting crimes are being rethought. Citizen demand for accountability is leading to deployment of body cameras, traffic
monitoring cameras and drone capabilities.

Digital transformation can solve many legacy challenges law enforcement organisations struggle with and make it easier to work better together

Precision with information gathering

In law enforcement, the way information is collected, managed, shared and used is critical because one misstep can derail a case. Police and case officers, attorneys and departments must be meticulous with the way they gather, submit, and share evidence and testimony, staying closely compliant with laws and regulations. Cloud Content Management enables stricter governance over content.

Centralised content storage

Evidence comes in many different formats — CCTV footage, photographs, interview audio tapes, body-cam videos — and from many different sources. Using USB drives or DVDs to transfer evidence are inefficient methods which pose security risks. Cloud Content Management provides a platform to upload and securely store any kind of file right from the scene.

Secure inter-agency collaboration

In addition to chain of custody and records-management requirements that mandate secure storage of all types of content, evidence files must be distributed to various stakeholders in a way that’s traceable, seamless, and impervious to risk. Cloud Content Management enables that dual mandate of security and shareability.

The Content Cloud for law enforcement

Box for law enforcement is a secure platform designed for law enforcement personnel to collect and disseminate evidence among their teams and trusted third parties. Unlike traditional content management solutions, Box offers a cloud-based, user-centric platform that enables officers to manage sensitive content and collaborate on any device, and it meets specific and comprehensive security and privacy standards.

Box Platform also provides open APIs to integrate within evidence-and case-management solutions, and offers a third-party ecosystem of specialised solutions to facilitate law enforcement processes, including custom case management and geospatial solutions. To learn more about the Content Cloud for law enforcement, grab a copy of this ebook for more details on how to transform operations and document management.

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