Saturday, February 15, 2025

Learning to Love Better

Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment, Priyanca Radhakrishnan, today launched the ‘Love Better’ campaign in what she says is a world-leading approach to family harm prevention.

The campaign will initially support young people through their experience of break-ups, developing positive and life-long attitudes to dealing with hurt, the Minister explained.

“Over 1,200 young kiwis told us they need support to deal with early experiences of love and hurt, and break-ups were identified as a common challenge,” she said.

“We know that break-ups hurt. We want to support our young people to deal with the hurt and know that there is a way through without harming themselves or others.

“By supporting young people through these formative experiences, we can positively impact how they approach future relationships.”

Love Better, which asks young people to “own the feels,” is a primary prevention campaign that features young people sharing real stories to help their peers who may be going through similar experiences.

“This is an authentic way to inspire others to build their own strength, self-worth, and resilience,” the Minister said.

“This approach hasn’t been trialled by any government around the world. New Zealand has shameful statistics of family and sexual violence and we need innovative approaches to break the cycle.”

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence, Marama Davidson, welcomed the campaign as a positive way of getting rangatahi talking about the tough emotions of relationships and break-ups.

“The launch of Love Better continues the government’s delivery on Te Aorerekura – New Zealand’s first ever National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence,” she said.  

“Since the launch of Te Aorerekura and our initial Action Plan in December 2021, all 40 actions are underway. We have cross-agency support and Ministers taking collective action to identify opportunities for minimising harm, improving the safety of responses and strengthening violence prevention and intervention.

“This campaign sits alongside work already underway to support young people with healthy boundaries and attitudes to relationships, including the refresh of the school curriculum.”

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