Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Major classroom boost announced

Extra Government investment in classrooms and school building projects will enable students and teachers to focus on education rather than overcrowding as school rolls grow across the country, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis said today.

The pair visited Ruakākā School in Whangārei today to announce $100 million for Short Term Roll Growth classrooms at schools across New Zealand, and announce the first school to benefit from a $150 million top up for shovel-ready school property projects.

“We have committed to ensuring all schools have access to quality learning environments and this is us delivering on that promise,” Prime Minister Ardern said.

“All children deserve a suitable classroom to learn in and it is our responsibility to ensure they have that so they can get the best possible education opportunities.

“School property investment also represents an injection into the economy as our recovery from COVID continues, with projects announced today estimated to create more than 200 employment opportunities.”

Ruakākā School will get two extra classrooms as part of the Short-Term Roll Growth programme,

“Schools across Aotearoa are growing, and Te Tai Tokerau is no exception,” Minister Davis said.

“It is important that we provide them with the classrooms they need, so they can focus on teaching and learning.”

The $150 million shovel-ready funding will top up existing school property projects that were ready to enter construction but needed a boost so that delivery could start in a challenging market. The additional funding will address cost escalation or other pressures to ensure that project delivery is not delayed.

Kamo High School, also in Whangārei, will receive almost $7 million top up for a major redevelopment of a main teaching block. The project replaces two end of life teaching blocks with a single two-storey teaching block providing 22 classrooms. At the end of the programme, Kamo High School will have capacity for 1,000 students.

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