Thursday, February 13, 2025

Māori burial ground to be returned to local hapū

A Māori burial ground in Pūrau is a major step closer to being returned to the care of local hapū.

The 1381-square-metre section at 177 Pūrau Avenue, which is widely known as the ‘Māori reserve’, is currently owned by Christchurch City Council and has special significance to Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke. 

At its meeting this week, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board approved the Council applying to revoke the land’s reserve status so its ownership can be transferred to the hapū. 

The decision comes after a public feedback process prompted 364 submissions on the proposal, with 96% in approval. 

Council Head of Facilities and Property, Bruce Rendall says the decision is a momentous one for the hapū, the community and the Council. 

“There have been ongoing discussions about returning ownership and management of the land in Pūrau for over a century,” said Mr Rendall.

“Giving it back to Ngāti Wheke would mean they would be able to use it in a way that respects the land’s significant cultural history and value, exercising their kaitiakitanga (guardianship) responsibilities in maintaining and protecting the land as an urupā (burial ground) for future generations. 

“It would also allow the hapū to apply for the appropriate status via the Māori Land Court, for the land to be an urupā under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993.” 

Chair of Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke, Mishele Radford says the hapū is grateful for the support to date and looking forward to the next steps. 

“We are very grateful for the support of the Council, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board and the many iwi and community members who have contributed to this significant decision,” said Ms Radford.

“There is a great deal of relief that we can now move forward with the next steps for this very important urupā.” 

The reserve at 177 Pūrau Avenue is a burial site for Chief Tiemi Nohomutu, a Pūrau resident and leading Ngāi Tahu rangatira (tribal chief) during the first decades of European settlement in Whakaraupō Lyttelton Harbour, and other unmarked and unidentified koiwi (existing burials). 

The site currently has reserve status, so returning it to the hapū will first involve the Council applying to the Department of Conservation to revoke the status under the Reserves Act 1977. 

Its ownership can then be transferred from the Council to Ngāti Wheke.

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