Minister for Māori Development, Willie Jackson, has today announced a new approach to the Government’s Māori communications response to COVID-19.
“We’ve done some good work so far. But there is so much happening that we have to bring all that information under one umbrella. So that’s why we are launching a new Māori Communication Portal on our Te Puni Kōkiri website,” Minister Jackson said.
While the website will remain the main source of trusted Covid-19 information for all New Zealanders, the webpage will become another source of Covid information that will be the go-to website for Te Ao Māori, he said.
The portal includes linking through to important information on the Karawhiua Māori vaccination campaign led by TPK co-delivered by Te Hiringa Hauora (Health Promotion Agency) and supported by the Ministry of Health and the Unite Against COVID-19 teams.
“Basically, anything and everything that Māori need will be on our website from; where you can get vaccinated and tested, to where you can get Whānau Ora or a wage subsidy, we will try to have all the relevant information that our whānau might need.”
Minister Jackson said while he was pleased Māori COVID-19 vaccination rates were picking up there was still more to do to ensure whānau were vaccinated and this new communications portal would help in accessing and supporting whanau.