Thursday, September 12, 2024

Māori research fund opens

New MBIE-administered fund, He tipu ka hua, has opened for proposals from Māori organisations to advance Māori-led research programmes or platforms.

He Tipu Ka Hua is one of two new MBIE-led funds, announced in February, designed to invest in Māori science and research aspirations. Through its inaugural funding round, it will invest up to $6 million in total per year in around three Māori-led programmes or platforms with terms of up to five years.

“We are delighted to announce that He Tipu Ka Hua is now open for applications,” said MBIE Director Māori Research, Science and Innovation, Dr Willy-John Martin.

“This is part of a wider government priority in the multi-year Te Ara Paerangi – Future Pathways programme. We have consistently heard that the research system needs to do better to respond to the needs and interests of Māori communities and organisations.

“These new funds enable direct investment in Māori research, science and innovation aspirations and help to build a stronger, thriving research sector that delivers for all.”  

He Tipu Ka Hua is funded out of the ‘Expanding the Impact of Vision Mātauranga’ initiative, from Budget 2020, where $33 million was allocated to attract and grow Māori talent in the research, science and innovation sector.

The fund is open for proposals from Māori organisations seeking to generate tangible benefits from research, science and innovation activities. Examples of eligible organisations include Māori businesses, incorporations, rūnanga, trusts, iwi, hapū, and marae. Such entities may be representative of iwi, hapū, and marae or be other bodies that are not defined by whakapapa. 

More information about He tipu ka hua, including eligibility criteria, available support and application deadlines is available on the MBIE website.

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