Thursday, January 23, 2025

Marlborough issues call for creatives

Marlborough District Council has issued a call for passionate local artists to step forward and help the municipality to develop a new arts and creative strategy.

Council has planned three community workshops over the next few months in a bid to garner ideas and inspiration from the district’s arts community.

Mayor, Nadine Taylor said she was looking forward to hearing ideas from the public about how to enhance the arts and creativity across Marlborough.

“Marlborough has a dynamic arts sector. The Council wants to bring together its various strands into a broad community vision and strategy for art and creativity for the next decade,” the Mayor said.

Project Manager, Nicola Neilson, who is leading the review, said the Council wants to help build a stronger creative community, supported by a new strategy.

“It’s been almost 10 years since Council last had a look at its arts and creative strategy and a lot has changed in that time. Marlborough is full of creative people – I’ve been blown away by the interest in contributing to building our creative sector,” she said.

“Obviously things have been tough over the last three years, particularly for the performing arts. Now is a good time for a re-set and to take a long-term view on how we support and nurture creativity in our region.

“To gather individual and collective thoughts on the challenges and aspirations for the arts and culture sector, we’re hosting three workshops.

“I encourage anyone with an interest who wants their voice heard to register for one of the workshops.”

Ms Neilson said Council would work in partnership with iwi to advance the aspirations of ngā Toi Māori artists and practitioners.

“In line with the recently launched He Tātau Whetū Nelson Arts and Creativity Strategy, we will partner with Te Tauihu iwi so that ngā Toi Māori can thrive here,” she said.

The three workshops will be held at the Scenic Hotel, Blenheim at 5.30pm on Tuesday 31 January, Tuesday 28 February and Tuesday 4 April.

For more information or to register, email

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