Marlborough Mayor, John Leggett, says it’s time for protesters camped at Nelson Square in Picton to “hit the road”.
“The Picton protesters have said on a number of occasions that they will move on once the Wellington protest was over. Well, that time has now come,” the Mayor said.
He said fresh Police resources were heading to Picton and enforcement action would result if the protest group did not move on voluntarily.
Meanwhile, on social media Picton protestors looked to be attempting to drum up support for the Wellington protest, posting airline ticket prices and departure times from Blenheim to the capital.

“Picton residents, especially those living near the square, have had enough. My office has received a constant stream of complaints from locals – I don’t think the protesters realise how unwelcome they are,” said Mayor Leggett.
“Picton is a tight-knit community that includes many older folk. The square is in the middle of a residential area. The continued occupation of the reserve is unacceptable.”
“I’d like to thank the Tasman Police District for their support over the last three weeks and I look forward to seeing more Police officers on the ground in Picton,” he said.