Friday, March 14, 2025

Mayors urge continued lockdown discipline

South Wairarapa Mayor, Alex Beijen.

Wairarapa’s mayors have acknowledged the need for an extension to the Level 4 lockdown and urged residents to continue their efforts to beat the COVID-19 outbreak.

South Wairarapa Mayor, Alex Beijen said it was essential Level 4 rules were followed.

“As this lockdown extends past a minor timeframe,  we are now reaching out to ensure communities are well supported,” he said.

“Many of the learnings from our last Level 4 are being addressed by the EOC (Wairarapa Emergency Operations Centre) already, and you can play your part by keeping a lookout for neighbours and friends who may be in need of help.

“Strict adherence to the letter and spirit of restrictions under Level 4 is essential given the transmissibility of the Delta variant.”

Masterton Mayor, Lyn Patterson.

Masterton Mayor, Lyn Patterson said the vast majority of Wairarapa residents had responded well to the requirements of Level 4.

“No doubt there will be a sense of frustration at the extension to the Level 4 lockdown, but I think followng the news of two more positive tests in Wellington there was also a sense of inevitability about the announcement,” she said.

“We know what we have to do to beat Covid, and that is to stay home. I believe if we follow the rules we will soon see a drop in infections and that is a sign that what we are all doing is working.

“It is now mandatory to wear a mask when using essential services, but I would encourage people to wear masks whenever they leave home.

”I also want to thank once again all the essential workers who are continuing to deliver the services we all continue to need.”

Carterton Mayor, Greg Lang agreed with the sentiments of his mayoral colleagues.

“A continuation of Level 4, while disappointing, is the right plan for now. The positive thing to note is that the Government is making a plan on how we can start moving down the levels, based on what is going on in our regions,” he said.

“So, please follow Government instructions, mask up, stay home, and if you’re feeling unwell please organise to get a test.”

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